Consumer Law

If you are in search of the Best Lawyers Istanbul in the field of deed cancellation registration cases, Consumer Law, Consumer Rights, Consumer Arbitration Committee and Consumer Court, arising from prepaid sales contracts signed between consumers and sellers within the scope of the Law on Consumer Protection, you are in the right place.

Following the disputes arising from the sale of defective products, applying to the Consumer Arbitration Committees for the collection of the unfairly collected amounts from the consumers, the execution of the decisions of the Consumer Arbitration Board and the filing of the lawsuits, our office provides legal support to our valued clients at the point of all other disputes arising from the Consumer Law.

Consumer Rights – Where to Apply for Complaint?

Although consumers are not fully aware of their rights during every shopping they make, they do their best to learn and use these rights when they encounter a defective product. But as long as things are not taken to the legal level, it is not possible for the consumer to impose a sanction on the other party alone. There are places to be applied to solve such problems arising during or after a shopping by legal means. These may be the Consumer Arbitration Panel or the Consumer Court. Which of these is the place to apply depends on the status of the region and the financial dimension of the shopping.

If you think that your rights guaranteed by the Consumer Law of our country have been violated in any way, it is very normal to constantly seek the best lawyers Istanbul. You will need a Consumer Court to apply based on your Consumer Rights and a lawyer who professionally pursues the legal process behind you in this process where you will seek your rights. When this need arises, Attorney at Law Penbe Üner Keskin Law Office is with you.

Why a Good Lawyer? Consumer Arbitration Panel, Consumer Court, Best Lawyers in Consumer Rights Issues Istanbul

While we manage and control all processes on your behalf, we do not steal the valuable time of our clients with the quality of professional experience and professionalism. In our professionalism in other fields such as Criminal Law, Family Law, Labor Law and Real Estate Law, we do not fall behind in Consumer Law and we offer the best service to our clients in search of the Best Lawyers Istanbul. Hunting. Penbe Üner Keskin Law Firm.

Why Penbe Üner Keskin?

  • Professional and quality legal consultancy service.
    Result and solution oriented analytical working principle.
    Dynamic remedy alternatives.
    Going to the solution considering the time-performance pair.